About The award
The highest distinction that Mexico awards to foreigners for their prominent services to the Mexican nation or to humanity and for their contribution in strengthening the bilateral relations between Mexico and other countries.
The Royal Eagle is Mexico’s national animal. It was sacred for the Aztecs and is present on the national emblem of our flag. It is an essential symbol that links our Aztec past with our modern nation. Use of gold and turquoise, Way to express the respect and admiration of the Mexican people. Granted to Chiefs of State or Government, ambassadors after serving in Mexico, important personalities that have made great contributions for the arts, science or humanitarian work, and those who have done a great service to Mexico or to Mexicans.
Created by decree on December 1933 by president Abelardo L. Rodríguez. There are 5 degrees: Collar, Sash of special category, Sash, Plaque, Venera, and Insignia.
Important Recipients (on different degrees)
Nelson Mandela, Queen Elizabeth II, Lula da Silva, Gabriel García Márquez, Bill Gates.